I Do Vows – Faith

Opening Words:

We are gathered here today to celebrate a day of gratitude, gladness, and joy.  It is one of life’s greatest miracles when two people love each other so much, they are willing to commit their lives together as one in spirit.  The ability to love is a miraculous gift which God has given us, and a wedding is a celebration of that gift.  Today, we have been invited to share and to rejoice with __________ and __________, and to vow our unconditional love and support to them as they begin their journey as husband and wife.

I would like to take a moment to recognize the family members of __________ and __________ and to thank them for their love, support and devotion, as they grew from adolescence and into the two beautiful individuals who stand here before us on this special day.  We thank you for teaching them values and being there and showing them the beauty and joy of loving another person.

__________ and __________, devotion, joy and love can grow, only if they are nurtured together. Stand fast in that hope and confidence, believing in your shared future just as strongly as you believe in yourselves and in each other today.  Only in this spirit, can you create a partnership that will strengthen and sustain you all the days of your lives. May God fill your spirit with love and truth.  Let us pray.


Heavenly Father, we gather to celebrate your gift of love, and its presence among us.  We rejoice that these two people have chosen to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to one another.  We praise you, Lord, for the ways you have touched our lives with a variety of loving relationships, and we give thanks for __________ and __________ and for the special love and friendship you have put in their hearts.  Lord we ask that you renew within us an affectionate and loving spirit.  Enrich our lives with the gracious gift of your love so that we may embrace others with that same love.  May our participation in this celebration of love and commitment, give to us a new joy and responsiveness to the relationships that we cherish.  In your loving name we pray, Amen.

Words on Friendship and Love

__________ and __________, your marriage will develop a true friendship between you, and that friendship must be strong to withstand the tests of time.  Remember, to never take love for granted.  Love is believing, sharing, caring and dreaming together.  It is honesty, friendship, companionship, and selflessness.  It is devotion, celebration, understanding, forgiveness and sacrifice.  Love is strong, yet it can be fragile.  Love is gentleness, kindness, and patience.  It is trusting, protecting, inspiring, and supporting.  Love is the only true way to know God.

__________, do you take __________ to be your wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ’til death do you part? I do. (Repeat)

__________, do you take __________ to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ’til death do you part? I do. (Repeat)

Ring Ceremony:

May I have the rings please? The perfect circle of the ring symbolizes eternity. Our prayer is that your love for each other will be as eternal and everlasting as these rings.  In the years to come, may these rings remind you of the overwhelming joy of this special occasion when you were united in marriage.  May your love be like the circle of this ring, with no beginning, and no end.

__________, take this ring a place it on __________ finger and repeat after me: I, __________, take you, __________, to be my wife, in equal love, as a partner and companion, to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, in joy and in sorrow, from this day forward.

__________, take this ring a place it on __________ finger and repeat after me: I, __________, take you, __________, to be my husband, in equal love, as a partner and companion, to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, in joy and in sorrow, from this day forward.

Pronouncement of Marriage:

Because, __________ and __________, you have expressed your love and commitment, and promised each other the joy of all your days, before God and this company, it gives me great honor and pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the Bride!

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